Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Introducing the Adopt-a-Soldier Program

I heard on the radio this morning that it costs the government (and therefore the taxpayer) something like $667,000.00 per year to put a soldier on the ground in Iraq for one year...and get this... $1.2 million to put a soldier in Afghanistan for a year.

These numbers are staggering...and sure to get worse as fuel prices (which ---in our low inflation environment --- jumped 9% in one day yesterday) continue to rise. Fuel is the greatest single expense in the cost.

Which leads me to propose that, instead of raising taxes, that we start a private sector effort to raise money to pay for these wars of occupation.

Yes, I'm talking about corporate sponsorship, the funding option that's become so popular for municipal stadiums and the like. If any CEO's and scions of industry read this...just give it a moment's consideration. How about your logo emblazoned on the backs of your own infantry battalion? Not enough exposure? Perhaps an entire division?

For a few billion, I'm sure the Army would put your company name on EVERY Abrams tank!

And, of course, there could be more modest levels of participation for private citizens. Sort of like that fund they have where you can contribute money to lower the deficit.  Hey, I'm just an idea man. The details could be worked out.

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